Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I love my Mother..............................

Dear Friends...

Sending this for u. Becaue i know that, u love ur MOM very much...............

Our mother is the sweetest andMost delicate of all.
She knows more of paradiseThan angels can recall.
She's not only beautifulBut passionately young,
Playful as a kid, yet wiseAs one who has lived long.
Her love is like the rush of life,A bubbling, laughing spring
That runs through all like liquid lightAnd makes the mountains sing.
And makes the meadows turn to flowerAnd trees to choicest fruit.
She is at once the field and bowerIn which our hearts take root.
She is at once the sea and shore,Our freedom and our past.
With her we launch our daring shipsYet keep the things that last.
~Nick Gordon~

GOD made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He molded her heart of pure gold;I
n her eyes He placed bright shining stars,In her cheeks, fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,And He gave that dear mother to me.
~Pat O'Reilly~